Friday, May 29, 2009

Train4Autism Begins

I thought I was suppose to start 2 weeks ago, my body had a different calendar. So Thursday, I started my training for The Columbus 5K in August.

I turned to running for a few reasons awhile back - one was to lose weight and to get into shape. This is my third reason. My first reason is both my kids - I want to show them a healthy lifestyle and I want to be able to fully participate in theirs lives. An extension of this is my son, Duncan a high functioning Autistic - a child who lives with autism.

I grew up in a house with my brother who has cerebral palsy, I know what it is like as a sibling. Many time over my lifetime I marveled at my parents strength and love raising him in our home with 3 other kids - we were terrors all 4 of us in our own ways! Now, I am learning as parent what is autism how do I help my son be the best Duncan he can be.

Any parent who has children living with autism will tell you it has its good bad... as with any child. The first task after the diagnose is to get the resources in place for your child. As my mom told me, "Remember Duncan and Moira's needs are first, then you can deal with you." We are addressing their needs first. Next is me - "How do I prepare myself everyday to address their needs - I need to be centered, relaxed and fit - physically and emotionally.

My 4:45AM morning runs are my centering time. My "me" time. My body is shaping up, my mind is clear and some days I reach the epiphany that moves me forward. Sometimes it is my thoughts, sometimes it a podcast or a song that puts my life in perspective.

On my second Saturday 4 mile run (ever), I stopped for a moment and cried. Josh Groban sang in my ear - "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)"
I usually listen to ska, alternative, punk when I run for pace. How did Josh end up on my running playlist? Who cares! This is what I been trying to say to Duncan this is it! Duncan uses echolalia for communication - music, movie or what hears from others... I recently noticed that he associates songs with certain people. I began playing this to Moira and him on our rides to Daycare/ Preschool - I tell both of them - This is from me to you, I love you and will always be there for you.

So, I run for my children, myself, my husband, my health and now I run to raise awareness and funds for autism and autism research.

You can donate to help me train at

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Race for the Cure

Completed, but time was never a factor for this humbling experience. There were over 45,000 participants! I met a few survivors, walked with friends and marveled at the wave of hope for the people with breast cancer, their families, their friends and so on.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

First 5K - Done!

Well I did it! I completed it! All body organs intact and under my silent time. I felt really sore Saturday, but Yesterday and today I feel pretty good.

I know now what I am capable of and need to step up my training!

Did I say "I finished!"